Terms & Conditions
The Festival is intended for amateurs, who are defined for this purpose as “persons who do not derive the chief part of their income from the teaching or performing of this branch of the art”.
Entries must be made on an official online entry form (see website) and the entry fee paid by bank transfer by the closing date as set out in the syllabus.
Entry fees are not returnable unless the entry is rejected by the Festival.
Details of Own Choice pieces must be given on the entry form. If the official accompanist is to be used then a copy of the music must be sent by the cut off date listed in the syllabus. In addition, competitors must provide an authorised copy of music for the adjudicator on the day of the Festival
Performers may bring their own accompanist. Free tickets will be issued for entrants and their accompanist if requested on the entry form.
Punctuality is essential for all classes. All competitors must be prepared to arrive at the beginning of a session so that classes may run smoothly and to time.
The number of entries is not limited but no competitor may compete more than once in any solo class. Named performers cannot be substituted nor can own choice pieces.
Details of Own Choice pieces must be given on the entry form.
The qualifying date for age limits is March 1st 2024.
Alternative or additional Adjudicators may be appointed as necessary and their decision is final.
A copy of the Terms & Conditions can be downloaded here
Festival Management
The Festival is organised by the Management Team with assistance from professional teachers and consultants for the programme, volunteers, accompanists and adjudicators. The decision of the Management Team on any question raised or not covered by these regulations shall be final. The Chairman is in overall charge and may be contacted at burtonvocalfestival@gmail.com.
The organisers will constantly review their policy, improving and enhancing it as necessary. In doing this they will look to The British and International Federation of Festivals for support and that body in turn will look to other agencies for good practices, most notably the NSPCC and Arts Council of England policy guidelines.
The following marks will be awarded. These are the guidelines set by the Federation.
- 90+ or Outstanding – An exceptional performance, both technically and artistically.
- 87-89 or Distinction – An excellent performance, technically and artistically.
- 84-86 or Commended – A convincing performance, technically and artistically.
- 81-83 or Merit – A capable performance showing development of technique and/or communication.
- 78-80 or Moderate – A performance showing development of technique and/or communication.
- 75-77 or Fair – A performance limited in its communication.
Risk Assessment and Copyright
The Festival will have all the usual copyright information and where appropriate should ensure that the required copyright is in place, as for a live Festival. However, this is a complicated area and our umbrella organisation (BIFF) will attempt to seek guidance from the relevant bodies.